"LTspice circuit transfer"

LTspice circuit transfer

LTspice operating point and AC analysis


LTspice AC analysis magnitude of $Z_t$.
Figure: LTmag-out.svg
LTspice AC analysis magnitude of $Z_t$.
LTspice AC analysis phase of $Z_t$.
Figure: LTphase-out.svg
LTspice AC analysis phase of $Z_t$.

Input impedance

LTspice AC analysis magnitude of $Z_t$.
Figure: LTmag-inp.svg
LTspice AC analysis magnitude of $Z_t$.
LTspice AC analysis phase of $Z_t$.
Figure: LTphase-inp.svg
LTspice AC analysis phase of $Z_t$.

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Last project update: 2022-01-13 18:09:51